HKHAWS 21-22 Circular No. 7 - WL 21/22 Fixtures (11Sep21 to 9Apr22) & Promo & Relegation Guidelines
Womens_League_Fixtures_11Sep2021_to_9Apr2022 updated on 15 Sep 2021
Guidelines and consiferations regarding promotion and relegation
HKHAWS Competition Bye-laws (9August2021)
3 September, 2021
Dear Convenors
Final Fixtures - Winter League
Thank you for your feedback on the draft fixtures. Please find attached the final fixtures for league games for the coming season. Fixtures for the knock out tournaments will be circulated later under separate cover.
Hong Kong vs Barbarians Matches - Save the date
There shall tentatively be Barbarians vs HKT games on 13/11, 19/11. Can convenors of Premier Teams please remind interested individuals to keep the day open. Further, Premier 5 aside will be held on 15/1/2022 ,all Premier teams are expected to participate.
Please check times closely and ensure that teams and umpires arrive sufficiently early for matches to be able to start on time. Please also ensure that all parties comply with the government's ongoing Covid-19 restrictions and the HKHA's guidelines.
Promotion & Relegation Guidelines
Please also find attached Guidelines and considerations regarding promotion and relegation for the coming season, which are consistent with the guidelines and considerations circulated in previous seasons.
Updated Competition Bye-Laws
We attach the final updated competition byelaws incorporating the amendments circulated last month and which are effective this season.
We hope you all enjoy the return to hockey and have a good season.
Kind Regards
Eva Thometz
Chairwoman of HKHAWS