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HKHA 20-21 Circular no. 8 - Indoor Hockey Invitation

Hi everyone,

It is with great pleasure we announce the launch of a summer Indoor Hockey Programme.  Initially this will be aimed at potential HK National squad and elite players (Prem and Div 1) invites only at this point. The programme will be split into two sessions per week, as shown below, and is for individuals to register to participate.

Session 1: (Will start Wednesday 2 June)
Wednesday Sessions: HK eligible players (i.e. players who are eligible to obtain HKSAR Passports)

Session 2: (Will start Monday 7 June)
Monday Sessions: HKSAR Passport Holders and HKID holders

There are some key initiatives we'd like to develop (listed at the bottom of this email), and with those in mind, we'd like to invite interested and eligible players to register to participate in this fresh and exciting opportunity.

Beginning this Wednesday (2nd June), and every Wednesday through June and July, we will run coaching sessions at HKFC (hoping also to lock in a venue on Kowloon side for July). These sessions will fundamentally be used to establish who is keen and capable of being selected into an initial wider-Hong Kong squad (will be refined later for tournament selection) but critically will also provide a rich coaching environment to help upskill everyone's indoor hockey knowledge and on-court performances.

In addition to the Wednesday coaching sessions, we will run Monday night games for all available players (HK eligible and HKID holders combined). These sessions will be 'match-based' and include umpiring development and off-court coaching, performance analysis and support.

Please complete the google form below to register:

Please contact the office if you have any questions about the indoor programme:   

Further information: Overview of Indoor Programme for 2021-2023

Initiative 1: Establish an opportunity to build a national Indoor Hockey programme (all levels)
Initiative 2: Identify and select players eligible to represent Hong Kong and play at the Asian Indoor Cup (Nov 2021)
Initiative 3: Create a parallel selection (Shadow team - not eligible for HK squad) for development and elite competition
Initiative 4: Create a Premier Indoor League (planned for July 2021)
Initiative 5: Create a Development Programme and Social Indoor League
Initiative 6: Create Education Pathways for players, coaches, umpires and technical teams

Over the course of the next 3 years, we'd like to establish long term pathways, partnerships and possibilities. This summer affords us the opportunity to begin and to see what is possible.

Here's to opening the Indoor opportunities!

Simon Chapman
Indoor Hockey & Hockey 5s Committee