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HKHAWS 14-15 Circular No.2 - Reminder on submission of bank details

To: Registered Umpires

Cc: Convenor of Affiliated Clubs (Women’s)

        HKHAWS Committee Members

        HKHA Council Members


Dear Umpires,


Women’s Section is about to issue the umpires fee for season 2013-14.  Umpires fee will be issued via bank transfer.  If you umpired ladies’ game in season 2013-14 but has not submitted your bank account details to HKHA, please do so by 12noon, 18th June (Wed).  Suggested format as follows:


Name & Umpire number (e.g. John Smith, #3999)

Bank Name (e.g. Hang Seng Bank Limited)

Bank Account Name (e.g. John Alan SMITH)

Bank Account number (e.g. XXX-XXXXXX-XXX)


If you do not have a bank account (e.g. under 18 years old), you may submit the bank account of your parents instead.


Thank you for your attention and kind assistance.




Kitty YAU

Umpires Secretary

HKHA – Women’s Section