HKHA P&D Section 15-16 Circular no. 19 – Beach Hockey Carnival 2016
HKHA P&D Section 15-16 Circular no. 19 – Beach Hockey Carnival 2016
To: Affiliated Club Convenors (Girls’, Boys’, Men’s & Women’s)
CC: Council Members
P&D Section Members
We are pleased to introduce you that The Hong Kong Hockey Association Promotion and Development Section will organize the Beach Hockey Carnival 2016 in 29th May 2016 (Sun).
Attached please kindly find the application form for more details. Let us join the carnival and rejoice playing Hockey!
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us for more information.
Best Regards,
Promotion & Development Section,
The Hong Kong Hockey Association
Contact: 2782-4932/
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