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HockeyHKMS 23-24 Circular No. 6 - Finalized League Structure and Convenor's Meeting

Attachment: Finalised league structure for all divisions

Dear Club Convenors,

We have received 75 teams apply to join the Men’s Winter League 23-24. Attached please find the finalised league structure for all divisions.

If there is any difference between the payable league fee and the amount your club has paid, a separate email will send to you later.

The convenor’s meeting for the season will be held at King’s Park Conference Room on 28 August 2023 at 7:30pm.

Details of the changes in Competition bye-law and the U21 experimental bye-law will be explained in the meeting.

Your attendance to the meeting is highly appreciated.

Jacky Chow
HockeyHKMS Hon. Secretary