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HKHA P&D Section 15-16 Circular no. 12 - Second Round of Girls Youth League Fixture

To:   Affiliated Club Convenors (Youth’s)

Cc:   HKHA Council Members

 P&D  Section Members


Dear Convenors,

Since all the games in the first round of the girls youth league has been finished, please kindly find attached the Second round of the girls youth league fixtures for 08 JAN –22 JAN 2016 for your record.  Please refer attachment for your club information and please always remind your team captains, umpires and all interested parties to check the latest fixtures for the most up-to-date game information in website.  The latest fixtures can be found in HKHA website (i.e. ).

Please inform us before 11th December 2015 for requesting any amendments due to school examinations or other matters causing unavailability to join the games

Please kindly inform the captains and umpires.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email.


Promotion & Development Section

Hong Kong Hockey Association